This article was originally written by Debbie O'Halloran - Career Columnist
Most job seekers feel understandably
anxious, embarrassed and uncomfortable when the time comes to discuss salaries.
Advice such as “never bring up the issue of salary, let the interviewer say it
first,” is rarely helpful if you don’t have any idea of how to respond when the
topic does come up.
Be prepared. Before going to the interview,
it’s crucial to research the company and salary range for the position you are
applying for persons with your background and experience. Have a salary range
in mind and be prepared to discuss these figures once salary negotiation has
come up.
Know your absolute bottom line. Know
what your minimum salary range must be to support the life you want to live. So
decide, before you go into an interview, what you will be willing to settle
for. Emphasize the reasons why you should get the offer. Document your skills
and accomplishments, and be prepared to talk about them.
Never discuss salary until you have a
job offer. If you do, you could price yourself out of the job before the
employer is convinced they need you. If pressed by the interviewers, tell them
you’re flexible and would be happy to discuss salary when you learn more about
the job.
Get the employer to disclose salary
before you do. Don’t be the first to mention salary during the interview. Let
the employer bring it up as many times as necessary until you feel ready.
When questioned about desired salary,
the best response is one that returns the employer’s ball back into his court:
You can say, “What kind of salary range are you working with?” or “Well, I’d
like to make as much as other employees with my qualifications.” or “What is a
typical salary for this position?”
Do not disclose past salary. Once your
past salary is on the table, your negotiating edge goes out the window. By not
disclosing exactly what your current salary is or exactly what it would take to
get you to leave your current job, you’ll force a potential employer to make
its best offer.
Don’t forget the value of benefits and
perks when negotiating a salary. Sometimes the salary offered may seem low, low
enough for you to turn down the job. Benefits and perks can add up to 40 per
cent to your basic salary. Some benefits are fixed, but others are negotiable
such as stock options, bonuses, employee discounts, training, holiday time and
sick leave.
Make It a Friendly Experience
Be amicable when discussing salary. You
should make the employer feel that you are on the same side and working
together to find a package that would satisfy everyone’s needs.
Don’t Say Yes Right Away
Be enthusiastic and appreciative when
you get the job offer, but ask for at least 24 hours to respond. This gives you
time to get over your initial joy at being selected. If you feel the salary is
insufficient, express your concern to the employer when asking for time to
consider the offer. You’ll find out right away whether the salary quoted is set
in stone or is flexible.
Get It in Writing
Once you have accepted a job offer and
salary level, be sure to get it in writing.
Declining an Offer
If you decide not to accept the offer,
make sure you leave on the best of terms. Treat every offer seriously and
graciously. You can never tell who you may be doing business with in the future
so don’t burn any bridges.
Never underestimate the importance of
negotiating salary in an interview. Employers tend to prefer those candidates
who already earn a greater income. While these candidates cost more to employ,
their higher incoming salaries are assumed to reflect greater competence,
initiative and achievement. So it’s in your interest to pursue income increases
at every legitimate opportunity.
Firstly, you immediately increase your
income each time you succeed. Secondly, you make yourself more desirable as a
candidate for your next position.
And lastly, you increase your future
income—the higher your salary/benefit package going into a new job, the better
the offer a prospective employee must make to attract you.
Job Interview Perfection
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